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All data, recommendations and information on individual products given by or on behalf of MLPlastics are based on investigations and information of the manufacturer concerned in each case. Even though MLPlastics considers such sources to be reliable, it shall not provide any guarantee for the correctness and completeness of the data, recommendations and information. The passing on of these data, recommendations and information shall take place without any legally binding intent and shall not constitute an independent contract. Neither shall MLPlastics accept any liability whatsoever for the suitability of the products to which the data, recommendations and information refer for the application, use, processing or any other deployment intended by the interested party. On the contrary, the interested party itself shall be obliged to satisfy itself of the quality and all properties of the products as well as their suitability for the envisaged purpose and shall independently conduct all the necessary investigations required in this respect. If necessary, the interested party shall contact the manufacturer directly in this connection.